Python is able to do all operations related to files, like moving files between different folders, renaming files, copying files, and so on. The os module in python is used when working with directories to fetch the contents of a directory, create a new directory, switch between directories, etc. We need two more modules for our work, the shutil, and watchdog module. Shutil is an inbuilt module in the python standard library for high-level operations related to files.
The OS module
The os module in Python provides a way to interact with the operating system. This module is coming under the python standard library itself and no need for installation. There is a bunch of function in the os module that helps in working with the file system, however, we need two functions for our work.
import osfile = "document.txt"os.path.join("C://Users//",file)output:>>> C:\Users\document.txt
os.path.join() helps to create strings for filenames. In the above case, the doument.txt file is joined at the end of the folder name.
import ospath = "C://Users//sidharth//documents"os.listdir( path )output:>>> ['document1.txt', 'document2.txt']
os.listdir() function creates a list of all filenames in a particular directory.
The shutil module
Shutil module in python helps for operations like copying files and folders, moving files, removing files, etc.
The shutil.move() function helps to move files from one folder to another respectively
import shutilsource = "C://Users//sidharth//documents//document.txt"new_folder = "E://newdocumentfiles"shutil.move( source,new_folder )# moving document.txt from source to# new_folder
Moving files with watchdog module
from watchdog import observersfrom import FileSystemEventHandlerimport jsonimport osimport timeimport shutilclass FileHandler( FileSystemEventHandler ):def on_modified( self,event ):for file in os.listdir( path ):# string of all filenames in the folderdoc_file = os.path.join( path,file )# Joining the path with file to create# an entire string of the directory and# assigning to doc_fileshutil.move( doc_file,target_path )# Moving the doc_file to target_pathpath = "C://Users//sidharth//Downloads"target_path = "C://Users//sidharth//Documents"event_handler = FileHandler() # event handler objectobserver = observers.Observer()observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=True)observer.start()try:while True:time.sleep(10)except KeyboardInterrupt:observer.stop()print("Process stopped")observer.join()
The watchdog module is used not more than monitoring the changes that occurred in a directory. We created an event handler object which continuously checks for the changes in a folder. If there is any change or a new file is added to the downloads folder it automatically detects and moves the file to the documents folder throughout the running of the program.
Checking the file type
So far we are able to move files automatically, but if your script can identify which type of file is in the directory, it can move those files to their desired folder right!. For example, if you have two files in the downloads folder and one is a document file and another is an image and if the program can detect the document file and image separately, it can move the document file to the document folder and image file to the pictures folder. Checking the file type is not actually a challenging job because it can easily be done by just looking at the extensions, if the extension is 'txt' then it is a text file and if it is 'jpg' or 'png' then it is sure to be an image file. Likewise, we can check every file extension and can distinguish them separately.
class FileHandler( FileSystemEventHandler ):def on_modified( self,event ):for file in os.listdir( path ):# string of all filenames in the folderif file[-3:] == "txt":# the last 3 characters of filename stringdoc_file = os.path.join( path, file )shutil.move( doc_file, document_folder )elif file[-3:] == "jpg" or file[-3:] == "png":img_file = os.path.join( path, file )shutil.move( img_file, image_folder )path = "C://Users//sidharth//Downloads"document_folder = "C://Users//sidharth//Documents"image_folder = "C://Users//sidharth//Pictures"
Here we used a conditional statement to check whether the last three letters of the filename are txt, jpg, or png. if the last 3 characters are txt then it will move to document_folder and if it is png or jpg it moves towards image_folder. You can add more conditions to check more file extensions.